
Emma Reynolds shines a spotlight on sixteen incredible youth activists from around the world who are fighting to protect the planet and all life on Earth. From Autumn Peltier campaigning for clean water to Edgar Edmund Tarimo turning plastic waste into building materials—and many more—these inspiring true stories highlight the importance of taking charge and creating change.

Beautifully illustrated by sixteen different artists and accompanied by facts and pictures that explain the science, Drawn to Change the World is for anyone who wants to learn more about the climate and nature crisis and what we can do about it.

BACK MATTER FOR EDUCATORS: This graphic novel has robust back matter, including a timeline, an interview with kid activists Jamie Margolin and Melati Wijsen, additional context on major climate change events like the Paris Accords, ways to get involved, and more.

ENGAGED AUTHOR: The author, Emma Reynolds, started the #KidLit4Climate campaign, which called for children’s illustrators and authors to post statements of solidarity with youth climate strikers, and the numbers from the campaign are ongoing and impressive.

GET INVOLVED: Each profile of the youth activists ends with what each activist is up to now, encouraging kids to take action and speak up for our planet.

Author, Emma Reynolds

Illustrated by Ann Maulina, Natasha Donovan, Teo DuVall, Devon Holzwarth, Erin Hunting, Margarita Kukhtina, Victoria Maderna and Federico Piatti, Shivana Sookdeo, Anoosha Syed, Jade Zhang, Derick Brooks, Gloria Félix, Natasha Nayo, Bill Masuku